Game Mechanics
The core of the BabyAlien GameFi experience revolves around raising Baby Aliens, a process that includes managing their lifespan, feeding them, and ultimately transforming them into Adult Aliens. Life Cycle of Baby Aliens: Each BabyAlien NFT starts with a lifespan of 3 days. To sustain and encourage growth, players must feed their Baby Aliens with donuts, obtainable from the in-game Donut Shop. The feeding process is crucial for extending the Baby Aliens' lifespan and advancing their levels. If not fed during their lifespan, Baby Aliens will be burnt along with the unclaimed rewards it earned. Donut Shop & Feeding Mechanism: The Donut Shop, implemented via an ERC-1155 contract, offers three types of donuts, each with different costs and effects on the Baby Aliens:
Jelly Doughnut (0.2 AVAX): Extends lifespan by 24 hours.
Frosted Doughnut (0.3 AVAX): Extends lifespan by 48 hours.
Glazed Doughnut (0.4 AVAX): Extends lifespan by 72 hours and levels up the Baby Alien.
Feeding is limited to once every 24 hours, adding strategic depth to managing the Baby Aliens' growth and development. Leveling Up and Transformation: Progression in the game is marked by the Baby Aliens' levels. Feeding them the most nutritious donuts not only extends their lifespan but also levels them up. Upon reaching level 20, Baby Aliens transform into Adult Aliens, achieving the game's primary objective.
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